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Košice IT Valley Association contributed significantly to the development of the ICT industry in the region

/ Lecture
Košice IT Valley has significantly contributed to development of ICT industry in the region When the work leading to development of Košice IT Valley association started in 2006, approximately 1000 people have worked in Košice in ICT industry; today, 6 years from establishment of the association, it is more than 6000 people. Partnership of universities, municipality and ICT companies has brought major positive change in perception and support of ICT industry in the region. This partnership helped to fulfill aspirations of ICT companies in the region, especially of foreign investors and set up good conditions and qualified employees. How did it happen, what has been achieved, what problems did the initiative have to solve and has to solve till this day, what potential does the region hold for next development of ICT industry and what is the vision of the association for future close and distant? The presentation will discuss all these questions.

Jozef Ondáš

IT Valley, Košice
Jozef Ondáš - Myself, Management and Information Technologies Born in Sabinov in 1951, married, 2 children, 5 grandchildren 1974   Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, Mathematics, degree RNDr. in 1979   1987   CSc. (PhD.) in applied mathematics from the Technical University of Košice 2000   MBA, Open University Business School, Milton Keynes, UK 1974 - 1989   VSŽ Košice (East Slovak Ironworks), Informatics and Automatization, Central Maintenance 1990 - 1993   IBM Slovakia, Business Director and director of branches in Košice and Banská Bystrica 1993 - 1997   SAP Slovakia, Business Director and later General Director   1997 - 1998   Železnice SR (Slovak Railways), Business and Marketing Director 199…
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