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Geoinformatization of the Slovak public administration – benefits and losses for individual departments

/ Lecture
Geographical information systems, together with the processes of gathering, processing and distribution of geographical information became natural part of informatization of the public administration. In Slovakia, a particularly dynamic development have been recognized in recent years in the context of implementation of various information and geoinformation policies at different levels of state and self-government administration. As a result, the levels of use of geoinformation tools, procedures and services for the activities of the public administration are different. The lecture will focus on summarizing the process of geoinformatization in individual departments of the public administration, aiming at identification of significant projects and priorities. The evaluation took the relevant experience and knowledge, gained during the work in a non-profit professional association, as well as practical experience in pedagogy, for the basis.

Róbert Fencík

Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Róbert Fencík, Ing., PhD. – the university teacher at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and the head of the Department of Mapping and Land Consolidation. He specialises in thematic and digital cartography, geoinformatics and modelling of landscape and spatial objects. He is the president of Slovak Association for Geoinformatics and Cartographic Society of the Slovak Republic.
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Dagmar Kusendová

Slovak Association for Geoinformatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratis
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