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Marketing and other supporting tools as part of implementation of IT project

/ Lecture
Good intention and technological design are necessary but insufficient elements to make a project successful. It is necessary to prepare and think about, prior to commencement of a project, further supporting tools such as motivation of own employees when the project is launched and preparation of target group of users (professional preparation, motivation, communication). It is important to think about the right time to launch and operate a project. It is necessary to be prepared for a sufficiently long transitional period, during which the project users learn the new procedures and get accustomed to them. The importance of communication with future users when solving problems of operation (helpdesk and its capacity and professionalism). Two different groups of users and mastering of two new electronic services will be compared in the examples.

Jozef Chebeň

1987-1988 (Slovak Bureau of Statistics) Participated as a programmer in development work on the state database system SPAZ II. 1988-1991 (SVŠT) Dealing with the connectivity of fast local computer networks. Gained extensive theoretical knowledge of local and global computer networks. 1991 – 1994 (GAMMA) Worked on automated processing project and space diagnostics and dental procedures modelling in a team lead by prof. Slavicek. 1994 – súčasnosť (EMM, spol. s r.o.) After joining EMM took part in building specialised department, which is responsible for information security strategy and architecture, end user support in developing own information systems security systems and products. Worked in various technical and consult…
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