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Smarter cities

/ Keynote
What cities need are ideas. Everything else is nothing but technology

Why should you not miss the lecture?
A worldvide visionary of the smart cities concept will bring a new fresh way of grasping the informatization of cities and municipalities. Get inspirated by examples of the best. The lecture should not be missed by anyone who is searching for ways and ideas to use IKT for city and municipality development.

“Smart Cities” is a term that is receiving much attention. That we need to look to transform many of the systems in our cities to cater for future big challenges is now less disputed; that technology can play an important role in doing so is also less disputed; what is missing are some good ideas and means to make things happen – in a step-change manner that is fitting of the challenges we face.

Graham Colclough

Graham has worked internationally all his career, firstly across four continents with the oil and gas giant Shell, then with Capgemini. Graham presently leads Capgemini’s global activities in Cities & Regions, the European Commission, and eGovernment, where he draws upon his extensive experience in public sector policy, strategy, transformation and technology programmes to lead and support a number of international projects. Graham enjoys developing original thought leadership positions on issues of public services futures, city governance, customer-centric service transformation, urban mobility, cloud computing and the like. Education: BSc Hons, Civil & Structural Engineering, Edinburgh Professional Experience:     Graham…
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