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Peter Krcho
Peter KRCHO graduated at the Faculty of pediatry UK in Prague and got the attestation of pediatry a neonatology. He is currently working in Clinic of Neonatology LF UPJS and DFN in Kosice as the head of the clinic. He is also regional neonatology expert for the region of Kosice and member of Neonatology society SPS committee since 2008 and the organizer and director of regular international conferences Kosicka neonatologická and other conferences of neonatology in Slovakia. He has become a director of non-profit organization Krajská neonatologická Novorodenec in 1997. Mr. Krcho becomes the founder and member of executive European committee Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies in 2006. He was awarded by ITAPA award in 2012 a…
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