Ľubomír Šimášek
Ľubomír Šimášek is Director General of Department of Information Technologies at Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovak Republic. He worked as Project Manager in telecom companies and in Slovak Post Office. In Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport he took part in implementation of national projects „IS of Job Market“.
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Electronization of the Learning Process
Digital road to school
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Have you heard about the Digipedia 2020 project? In future every student should educate in a digital, modern and interactive way. How it will affect the quality of education?
Executive summary:
Digitalization of learning process brings new alternatives for students on various stages of education; kindergardens, elementary schools, high schools and universities. In digitalization of learning process we strive to implement modern interactive way of education as supplement of traditional education. In April 2013 Ministry of Education has launched an ambitious program Digipedia2020 with objective to give every student in Slovak Republic a chance to educate also digitally. The ministry implements in scope of this program several projects funded either by OPIS, OP Education or by state budget. The presentation will show plans of Ministry of Education for digitalization of learning proces till 2020.