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Damien O’sullivan

ECDL Foundation, Chief Executive Officer
Damien O’Sullivan joined the ECDL Foundation as Chief Executive Officer in June 2006. With a background in education and training, he has been involved with ECDL since its launch in Ireland in 1997, working on a range of projects to develop and deliver ECDL training and certification to the public and private sector. Prior to joining ECDL Foundation, Damien worked for the Irish Computer Society, the Licensee for ECDL in Ireland. In addition, Damien has been a member of various ECDL Foundation syllabus working groups, working within a panel of international experts to ensure that ECDL Foundation’s range of certification programmes are always up to date and relevant.

ECDL Foundation is the worldwide governing body for the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), known as the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) outside Europe. ECDL / ICDL is the largest and fastest growing
end user desktop certification programme in the world with over 13 million registered Candidates and an operational presence in 100 countries worldwide. ECDL Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation established by the Council of European Informatics Societies (CEPIS), the representative body for computer societies within Europe. For more information, please visit
  • Žiť a pracovať v digitálnom svete nie je to isté
    Prečo by vám prednáška nemala uniknúť
    Meno Damiena O’Sullivana je spojené najmä s presadzovaním ECDL, teda „európskym vodičákom na počítač“ Práve skúsenosti s IT vzdelávaním ho priviedli k poznaniu, že žiť digitálnym lifestyle neznamená mať schopnosti pracovať v digitálnom prostredí.

    Digitálny životný štýl nie sú digitálne pracovné schopnosti. Preto je dôležité venovať sa vzdelávaniu v oblasti IT nepretržite. Dobrým príkladom je aj „európsky respektíve medzinárodný vodičák na počítač“, o ktorý požiadalo už 13 milónov zaregistrovaných kandidátov.

    Damien O’Sullivan je CEO v  ECDL Foundation od júna 2006. Využil tak svoje predchádzajúce skúsenosti so vzdelávaním a tréningami ako aj pôsobenie v Irish Computer Society.

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