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Oliver Bernecker

  • We all have the choice! SEND HYBRID, GET HYBRID, SMART FOR2!
    Sendhybrid is a consulting and communications company specialized in process and market consulting for the receiving and sending of documents (dual delivery). The focus is on customer requirements, expectations, and needs of senders and receivers. sendhybrid sees itself as a pioneer and trendsetter in the area of communication.

    The main subject represents the sustained, hybrid and personalized document delivery (electronically and postal), which is used both for process optimization (cost optimization) as well as customer loyalty. sendhybrid guarantees highest possible data security in compliance with all legal requirements.

    The focus of all sendhybrid solutions is to endeavour to substitute conventional, postal paper processes (printing, enveloping and mailing) for electronic, secure, and traceable delivery and receiving channels.

    Sendhybrid can reach all recipients, even those who cannot be addressed electronically, by linking your print line or through outsourcing printing services to one of our professional printing partners!

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