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Digital education for vocational schools

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In Slovakia, the dual education system has been launched; it is based on the combination of theoretical education at schools and the practical education in an employer’s premises. Would you like to know, whether and to what extent the information technologies can help change the alarming situation in the secondary vocational education in Slovakia, where currently only about 6 percent out of 60 thousand graduates find jobs? Achievement of such a demanding objective requires the approach that would interconnect the knowledge obtained at school and the knowledge obtained from the employer, forming thus a single interface.

The Atos company has created the portal through which students from the selected study branches access the newest and most up-to-date information. They can access as much as 1,450 lectures, read 3,900 pages of texts, watch 6,060 minutes of videos, and listen to 24,200 minutes of educational texts. The portal is available via computers and tablets and the education thus acquires a brand new dimension. To launch such portal, it requires active participation of all stakeholders.  In the presentation, Oskar Kadlec from the Atos company and Vojtech Andor from the  Auto-Impex company describe how the information technologies help implement this strategic transition.


Vojtech Andor

He is an expert in the field of automobile service and an expert in the field of mechanical engineering. He is currently working as a head of service in the Auto-Impex company, which is now preparing students of secondary vocational schools for their occupation, applying the dual education system. He is also participating in the creation of the system of occupations and the system of qualifications.  
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Oskar Kadlec

Oskar Kadlec is an experienced eHealth professional with 18 years of experience in analysis, architecture design, development and implementation of big information systems on national as well as international level. As a NCZI consultant for semantic interoperability and lead of the team for cross border urgent healthcare, he participated in the biggest European eHealth project epSOS (Intelligent Open Services for European Patients). Previously he worked as Project Manager developing SNOMED-CT clinical terminology for IHTSDO (International Health Terminology Development Organisation) in Copenhagen. In Atos he previously worked as a healthcare consultant in Atos Research and Innovation team located in Madrid. At present he participates in …
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