Building of the basic components of the eGovernment. What has been done and what is not?
European Funds for information society have brought a significant shift in the citizen-state relationship. We have IDs with a chip and electronic signature, central portal with e-mail inboxes, basic registers, governmental cloud and citizens can handle key public administrations on the internet. However, we might be more satisfied if not for the experiment of interruption of eGovernment implementation in 2010-2012.
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Pavel Bojňanský
Born on 27 August 1970 in Bratislava. A graduate of the faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, study major: technical cybernetics. He took part in several expert stays in Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and in Switzerland in the field of strategic and marketing management in telecommunications. He has extended, 12-year international experience in all fields of marketing management in the field of telecommunications in the Deutsche Telekom Group – in Spanish Deutsche Telekom Espana and YA.COM Internet Factory and in Slovak Telekom. He acted in the above companies as the Director for products and services, wholesale, marketing strategy, Director for marketing communication up to the Vice-Preside…
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