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Program - Spring ITAPA 2016 Conference

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Juraj Bárdy, Futuristiq
Dagmar Ceľuchová Bošanská, Alistiq
Martin Bailey, European Commission
Pascal Rogard, Permanent Representation of France to the EU
Gunther Grathwohl, Permanent Representation of Gerrmany to the EU
James Waterworth, CCIA
Mette Schiøtz Sørensen, Danish Business Authority
Pavel Bojňanský, Ministry of Finance SR
Round Table Discussion: A Battle of Digital Platforms in Europe?
Michal Ivantyšyn, Center for innovative healthcare
Who are the most influential IT personalities in Slovakia?
Štefan Kišš, Advisor, Institute of Financial Policy
Value for Money in Informatisation
Ján Hargaš, National Council of the SR
Digital Restart Should be a Decent One
Štefan Kišš, Advisor, Institute of Financial Policy
Rastislav Janota, NBÚ
Ľubor Illek, Slovensko.Digital
Emil Fitoš, IT Association of Slovakia
Mário Lelovský, ITAS
Roman Konečný, National Security Authority
Peter Kostolný, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SR
Milan Ftáčnik, Slovak Information Society
Milan Ištván, Partnerships for Prosperity
Pavel Bojňanský, Ministry of Finance SR
Miloš Molnár, ideata Europe
Discussion round table: Slovakia 2020