Round Table Discussion: A Battle of Digital Platforms in Europe?
With increasing usage of electronic services and digital content, EU is confronted with success of global platforms and networks. What is the way through? What are the pro´s and con´s? What are the positions of strong IT leaders in these questions? EC just announced proposal for update of EU audio-visual rules as well as presented targeted approach to online platforms. The goal of the roundtable is to reflect on these topics and present positions of EU countries, as well as economic challenges and opportunities connected with this approach.
Panellists and introductory speakers:
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Panellists and introductory speakers:
- Juraj Bárdy, Chief Data Officer
- Dagmar Bošanská, the coordinator of the national strategy for the implementation of the digital single market
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- Martin Bailey, acting Head of Digital Single Market Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission
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- Pascal Rogard, Counsellor for Telecommunications, Information Society and Postal Services, Permanent Representation of France to the EU
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- Gunther Grathwohl, Telecommunications and Information Society, Postal Affairs, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the EU
- James Waterworth, Vice President, Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) Europe
- Mette Schiøtz Sørensen, Danish Business Authority
- Pavel Bojňanský, Ministry of Finance SR
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Martin Bailey
Martin Bailey is leading the team on the Digital Single Market in DG CONNECT, European Commission
Biographical details
Martin was educated in England, Germany and the Netherlands.
Born in 1972, Martin worked as a lawyer for an international law firm in London for five years before joining the European Commission in 2003. Back now in the Commission after a stint at the European Court of Justice, he has worked principally in the fields of single market and competition law, technology and economic regulation.
Speaks English, French, German and Spanish. His interests including acting, cooking, winter sports and mountain-biking.
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Juraj Bárdy
Juraj Bárdy
Public Administration Digital Innovations Expert
Development of data management and Big Data section for the new National Concept of Public Administration Information Society (2015 – 2016)
Development of strategic document for digital service development and new generation access net infrastructure 2014 – 2020 that set actions of Slovakia for eGovernment development and served as a basis for Operation Program Integrated Infrastructure (2013 – 2014)
Proposal of solution and audit of national eHealth solution implementation in Kosova (2011 – 2015)
Master of Science, University of Žilina, Information and management systems, Applied informatics (2006)
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Pavel Bojňanský
Born on 27 August 1970 in Bratislava. A graduate of the faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, study major: technical cybernetics. He took part in several expert stays in Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and in Switzerland in the field of strategic and marketing management in telecommunications. He has extended, 12-year international experience in all fields of marketing management in the field of telecommunications in the Deutsche Telekom Group – in Spanish Deutsche Telekom Espana and YA.COM Internet Factory and in Slovak Telekom. He acted in the above companies as the Director for products and services, wholesale, marketing strategy, Director for marketing communication up to the Vice-Preside…
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Dagmar Ceľuchová Bošanská
Dagmar Celuchova Bosanska founded companies Alistiq and CareWave and is an expert in innovations and digital transformations with many years of experience. In a data-driven era, she helps states and cities to come up with new solutions and offer value-added services to their citizens and businesses. Dagmar studied information technology, mobile communications and statistical signal processing at the Vienna University of Technology where she was also a part of a research team developing technology simulators for the fourth-generation mobile networks. In the company Frequentis, she was responsible for the safety and correct implementation, integration and optimization of the world’s first IP-based radio networking and communication system …
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Gunther Grathwohl
Dr. Gunther Grathwohl, since Aug. 2012 counsellor for telecommunications and information society, audiovisual media and postal affairs at the Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU in Brussels. Within this period he was responsible for all legislative files negotiated in the Council Working Party on telecommunication and information society as for example European rules on net neutrality, abolishment of EU-wide roaming tariffs or the network and information security Directive. Between 2006 and 2012 he was working for the German ministry of economics and technology, in the Division of European ICT-Policy, dealing i.a. with broadband policy, the review of the legal framework for electronic communication or the Digital Agenda for Eur…
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Pascal Rogard
Pascal Rogard has joined the French Perm Rep in September 2012 where he is in charge of the digital single market. He has been active in the communication and IT sector since 2008.
Prior to joining the Perm Rep, he worked as an Executive Director in the French Ministry of economy, finance and industry in Paris where he was responsible for EU and international affairs. He was also the head of the French delegation at the BIE, Deputy SME envoy for France and Deputy Chair in the OECD SME Committee.
He also worked in the European Commission (DG Trade) and served in different positions in the ministry Economy in particular in the field of regulation and competition. He was a member of the cabinet of several Ministers (trade and Consumer…
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Mette Schiøtz Sørensen
Mette Schiøtz Sørensen is Chief Advisor on the Digital Single Market at the Danish Business Authority responsible for the coordination of DSM issues such as online platforms, online intermediaries, e-privacy, e-commerce, ICT-standards and free data flows. For the past 15 years she has worked with ICT policy and regulation in areas such as telecom regulation, it-security, e-inclusion, net neutrality and internet governance.
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James Waterworth
James Waterworth is Vice-President, Europe for the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) advising members and policy makers on a wide range of issues including intellectual property, international trade and internet regulation. He brings with him more than a decade of experience in technology policy having held government affairs posts for Nokia, Cable and Wireless and Telefonica in Brussels and London.
As Director of Government Affairs for Nokia he lead calls for the European Union to create a Digital Single Market; a unified market to the advantage of business and consumers. He took Nokia into the field of internet policy for the first time. From 2007 to 2008 he worked for the Nokia CTO on media relations.
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