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New technologies are generating large amounts of data available for analysis and allow for faster interchange of knowledge and massive opening up of research results, data and information which can be used to underpin policy development. The potential of data and big data for public policy is considerable. The possibility of using new and big data sources to "nowcast" socio and economic phenomena rather than wait for official statistics to be produced may contribute to much more reflexive and adaptive public policies.  The ability to combine and correlate data sets on different phenomena opens up the possibility of better understanding the complex wicked problems that we increasingly face. However, while we have seen many interesting use-cases emerge for big data in the private sector, we have many fewer use-cases for public policy.
In this presentation, Vladimír Šucha, Director General of the European Commission´s Joint Research Centre, will share his views on what can be done in order to better use this potential.

Vladimír Šucha

Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
Vladimír Šucha has been the Head of the European Commission Representation in Slovakia since 2022. In 2021, he was sent by the European Commission to UNESCO in Paris and before that, since 2012, he had managed the European Commission's Scientific and Knowledge Service - Joint Research Center. From 2006 to 2012, he worked as the Director of the EC's Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Prior to joining the European Commission, he held several positions related to European and international politics. In 2005-2006 he founded the Agency for the Support of Research and Development in Bratislava. In the years 2000-2004, he was a member of the Slovak team that negotiated Slovakia's accession to the EU in Brussels. At the same time, he…
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