Do eGovernment Services have to be Trusted and How to Understand “Trustworthiness”?
In new action plan for eGovernment development for years 2016 – 2020, adopted by EU this year, “Trustworthiness” belongs to 7 key attributes. New implemented eGovernment services should meet these criteria by default. In eGovernment this topic did not receive ample attention until now. Let’s try to answer some key questions regarding trustworthiness. Is there a definition of trustworthy? How is trustworthy understood in eGovernment? Is it an implementation of some specific technologies? How can we authenticate trustworthiness of a service? Should some services even be authenticated? Who should be responsible for it? What is the status in neighboring EU countries?
In new action plan for eGovernment development for years 2016 – 2020, adopted by EU this year, “Trustworthiness” belongs to 7 key attributes. New implemented eGovernment services should meet these criteria by default. In eGovernment this topic did not receive ample attention until now. Let’s try to answer some key questions regarding trustworthiness. Is there a definition of trustworthy? How is trustworthy understood in eGovernment? Is it an implementation of some specific technologies? How can we authenticate trustworthiness of a service? Should some services even be authenticated? Who should be responsible for it? What is the status in neighboring EU countries?
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Miroslav Širl
Independent consultant in the field of “Digital Continuity”. Working externally for public and private organizations. Participation on several projects, f.e.: “Technological project of National Digital Archive”, „Project of Czech eJustice“, „Building up additional services of e-Delivery system for Czech Post”.
Gives lectures on conferences both in the Czech Republic and abroad – Slovak Republic, Hungary, USA, Canada, Italy. Publication activities regarding eGovernment and management of electronic documents.
Participation on EU activities: DLM Forum, MoReq. APA, Member of working group of Large-scale EU project SPOCS
Founder member of society CNZ – „Czech Digital Preservation Society”, Chairman of programme committee of a successful co…
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