Europe at the Crossroads: Which Path will we follow?
What has happened and why? The economical background of current value and trust crisis and rise of populism, isolationism, nationalism, xenophobia, and antisystem movements. What is the share of global economic crisis and especially the method of its resolution in origins of the current status? Lack of leadership – many politicians, few statesmen. What we need to do and what are the alternatives? Solutions and pseudo-solutions of current situation. What kind of European Union do we need? Where is Slovakia right now and where we will go?
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Ivan Mikloš
Ivan Mikloš was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Slovak Republic in 2010 – 2012 and 2002 – 2006. He was Deputy Prime Minister for Economics in the first government of Mikuláš Dzurinda in 1998 – 2002. In 1991 he became a Minister for Privatisation (1991 – 1992). Consequently in 1992 he co-founded and led economic think-tank MESA 10 (until 1998). In years 2006-10 and 2012-2016 he was a member of National Council of the Slovak Republic. In 2014 he was re-elected as president of MESA 10 think-tank and became a member of International Advisory Body for National Reform Council of Ukraine and VoxUkraine platform. Since February 2015 he was the general advisor to Minister of Finance of Ukraine and advisor to Minister of Economy o…
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