Alica Szebényiová
2004 - 2006: Slovak Road Administration, general headquarters, Bratislava, Department of Road Data Bank – Department manageress
1995 - 2004: Slovak Road Administration, general headquarters, Bratislava, Department of Road Data Bank, Unit of Road Data Administration – Unit manageress
1994 - 1994: Institute of Road Economy, Bratislava, Institute of Road Data Bank, position, Special employee for transport-engineering data processing
1993 – 1994: ARDOS, spol. s r.o., Bratislava, Designer for road light alarm
1995 - 2004: Slovak Road Administration, general headquarters, Bratislava, Department of Road Data Bank, Unit of Road Data Administration – Unit manageress
1994 - 1994: Institute of Road Economy, Bratislava, Institute of Road Data Bank, position, Special employee for transport-engineering data processing
1993 – 1994: ARDOS, spol. s r.o., Bratislava, Designer for road light alarm
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Information System of Roads Network Model - GIS of Roads Database
By course of law no. 135/1961 Coll. on communications over land in terms of later regulations the Road Data Bank (CDB) represents part of information system of road economy and serves as means for administration and data use of the central technology evidence of communications over land and roadways diagnostics within the Slovak road network. From this point of view it provides wide data basis, which is used for provision of internal or external subjects’ needs by information service.
The contribution represents the Information Model of Road Network (IS MCS), which is building, developing and operating tool for electronic provision of central technology evidence of communications over land and other data, processed by CDB, in a geo-data-base model. Entry, administration and use of CDB data by means of model information technologies allow efficient support of executive and decision-making processes within the Slovak road economy.