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/ Lecture
How to create a smart region guide. Which regions are the most smart today and what does it mean? What is the V4 position. Which innovation support policies were successful and which were not? What we can do in order to be really smart?

Juraj Bárdy

Juraj Bárdy Public Administration Digital Innovations Expert Career Development of data management and Big Data section for the new National Concept of Public Administration Information Society (2015 – 2016) Development of strategic document for digital service development and new generation access net infrastructure 2014 – 2020 that set actions of Slovakia for eGovernment development and served as a basis for Operation Program Integrated Infrastructure (2013 – 2014) Proposal of solution and audit of national eHealth solution implementation in Kosova (2011 – 2015) Education Master of Science, University of Žilina, Information and management systems, Applied informatics (2006)  
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