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Local governments needs modernization, which is a spontaneous response to present developments and expected tendencies. A view of the current structure of local governments and tendencies as shared economy, local economic policy, alternative financing of local development, inter-municipal cooperation and Smart Agenda are impulses that can contribute to the further development and local governments’ prosperity.

Smart Agenda is about technologies as well as complex, innovative and sustainable solutions. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare local government for linking this agenda with development of public services and growth of quality of life. 

Michal Kaliňák

Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the Slovak Republic
Michal Kaliňák is a political scientist specialising in local government. In the past he worked as a spokesman, secretary of the Council of Experts and later as the central director of the office of the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia. He has been with ZMOS since 2010. He worked in local government as a municipal deputy, first in Medzilaborce and later in Prešov. In the meantime, he held the position of spokesperson for the city of Prešov and also head of the public communication department in the Bratislava - Petržalka Municipal District. He was assistant to the President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, advisor and spokesman to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Knowledge Society, Eu…
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