Ivan Trepáč
Ing. Ivan Trepáč (37) graduated at University of Žilina, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics. He started his working career in 1993 in the company VARIAS a.s. as a consultant for the field of network communication and system integration.
He has been acquiring managerial skills since 1996 by managing various big teams in the organization and by occupying positions of a project manager and architect for corporate solutions in the field of SAP projects and system integration projects.
Since 2001 he has been active as a Deputy Chairman of the company Board of Directors. He is currently in the position of Head of Business Counselling Dept. of the company S&T Slovakia / VARIAS.
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Transition to Euro: Risks and recommendations regarding the adjustment of the information systems
The transfer to euro shall be perceived also in term of information systems as a project matter. It brings along particular challenges and risks. These must be identified in the preparatory phase of the project and must be reacted to accordingly. The experience of our Slovenian colleagues proves that at coordinated procedure inside the organization in collaboration with the information system supplier this change can be maintained.