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Peter Strickx

Director FEDICT, Belgium

Peter Strickx is Director-General Architecture & Standards (Chief Technology Officer) at FEDICT.  Mr. Strickx has a Masters degree in Computer Science. Since 1989 he has held positions in pre-sales and sales & marketing management at Sun Microsystems. Mr. Strickx has been with FEDICT since October 2001 and was the technical lead in e-gov initiatives like the FedMAN (high-speed network), Universal Messaging Engine (Messaging middleware) and the Federal Portal (

  • ODEF in Belgium Government

    FEDICT, the Federal Public Service for Information & Communication Technology, is within the Belgian Federal Government responsible for defining and implementing an e-government strategy. Furthermore FEDICT defines, in cooperation with the other departments, standards for improving interoperability and Government-to-citizen (G2C) and Government-to Businesses (G2B) communication. Creating a 'virtual' government through an integrated Federal 'back-office' and integration across different government levels is one of the key principles in our e-government strategy. Therefore open specifications and/or open standards are a prerequisite.

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