A Slovak Launched Research Overseas, Dealing With The Impact of IT Technologies on Our Lifestyle

Bratislava, November 7, 2016 - Watches no longer show us the right time only, bracelets are no longer perceived as common accessories we carry on hands only and mobile phones are no longer used for just making phone calls. "Technologies are changing our lives in every direction and every day there are new discoveries. Our heart beat will be analyzed and soon the time will come that our watch will know in advance that we are about to get ill, and it will increase our chances of a quick action, "says Anna McNab, Professor at the Niagara University and what is more - a Slovak who settled in the USA, where she launched a research about how modern IT gadgets affect the way we live and how we take care of ourselves.
Anna McNab has been dealing with studying of what we can find out about ourselves using the data from our life and behavior in real time. It's the applications or fitness trackers which are the absolutely new type of "communication" with our own body. "The data that we collect today and that will be growing amount-wise in future will allow personalized medicine, which is very difficult to even imagine today. We could compare it to the revolution in biology, which brought about the discovery of the microscope," explains Anna McNab.
Our approach to health care is about to completely change. All of this has two sides. On one hand, we can track our own performance, run kilometers, but also how well we sleep, the pulse of our heart, or how are we protected against UV radiation. We will be therefore able to affect the quality of our own lifestyle. On the other hand, these data will help physicians, who will be able to help us even before the symptoms occur. "Quite common, for example, will be prescription of medication based on our genetic predisposition. After all, we already can, for example, predict an infection in newborns 24 hours before its symptoms appear. And that's just on the basis of the analysis of a heart beat, "says Anna McNab.
How do we transfer our daily activities with the latest technology? What can be found out with its help? Are there any hidden dangers in this promising future?
Come next Monday, November 14, 2016 to the international ITAPA Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Bratislava where Anna McNab will briefly present the results of her research.
Our approach to health care is about to completely change. All of this has two sides. On one hand, we can track our own performance, run kilometers, but also how well we sleep, the pulse of our heart, or how are we protected against UV radiation. We will be therefore able to affect the quality of our own lifestyle. On the other hand, these data will help physicians, who will be able to help us even before the symptoms occur. "Quite common, for example, will be prescription of medication based on our genetic predisposition. After all, we already can, for example, predict an infection in newborns 24 hours before its symptoms appear. And that's just on the basis of the analysis of a heart beat, "says Anna McNab.
How do we transfer our daily activities with the latest technology? What can be found out with its help? Are there any hidden dangers in this promising future?
Come next Monday, November 14, 2016 to the international ITAPA Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Bratislava where Anna McNab will briefly present the results of her research.
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