All Top Representatives of Digital Government from V4 Will Meet at ITAPA Congress. It will be a Historical Precedent

• All main representatives of information society, digitization and eGovernment from V4 countries at one place
• ITAPA 2017 Congress will be open by Peter Pellegrini, Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Informatization
• Together with him three other representatives of Visegrad region digital public administration will present at the congress - Krzysztof Szubert from Poland, Ondřej Malý from Czech Republic and Ákos Péter Mernyei from Hungary.
• At the congress you will meet other top representatives – from public and private sector
• Autumn ITAPA Congress takes place November 14 – 15, 2017 at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bratislava
Bratislava, November 9, 2017 – Historically for the first time all top representatives of information society, digitization and eGovernment from V4 region will together step out before journalists and expert public. The aim of eGovernment is to provide citizens with seamless execution of regular tasks without even leaving their home. Lately, Slovak informatization and digitization made significant steps forward. Some bureaus might even get fines if they ask citizen for documents they are able to retrieve by themselves. Will this be enough? And what comes next?
This year ITAPA 2017 will be extraordinary. Opening keynote speech of PETER PELLEGRINI will cover essential facts about digitization of Slovak public administration and findings from the action plan for transparent drawdown of EU funds. During the initial discussion at 8:30 AM our Deputy Minister will sit behind one table with his counterparts from Visegrad 4 countries. On Tuesday, November 14 we will have a unique chance to compare which country made it farthest in digitization.
From Poland comes Secretary of the State KRZYSZTOF SZUBERT, who is also the Deputy Minister for Information Society and governmental plenipotentiary for single digital market. KRZYSZTOF SZUBERT will present findings of his own study proving that V4 countries have indeed a chance to increase growth when they will more intensely use data. In the light of these findings he opts for closer V4 collaboration in digitization.
Coordinator of digital agenda from Governmental Office of the Czech Republic, ONDŘEJ MALÝ agrees with this opinion. He says that neither Czech Republic, nor any other state, can be a digital island and proceed in digitization on their own. He fully supports the collaboration on Visegrad region level as well as on Europe-wide level.
Top speakers from V4 will complement the representative of Hungary, ÁKOS PÉTER MERNYEI Deputy Secretary of State for European Union and International Relations. In his presentation he will primarily cover the urgency to coordinate ministries in informatization and he will also outline how we in V4 can collaborate more intensely to better achieve mutual interests. It is true that even though the Central Europe has made some significant steps, it is still only at the beginning of its digitization journey. There are still things to improve, whether it is the infrastructure, usage of electronic services by citizens and entrepreneurs or data security.
How to achieve higher efficiency and what are the options of tools for management improvement in Slovak eGovernment – this is what experts will vividly discuss in the panel Effective Public Administration Tuesday afternoon, November 14 and Wednesday afternoon, November 15 in the panel Cloud in State Institutions.
„If we want better services for citizens and entrepreneurs, public administration itself must work more effectively, similarly to private sector. Governmental cloud – shared service provision – is a great tool for that. If used correctly. It is therefore the strategic priority of Slovak Government“, says RICHARD HOLLÝ, prominent governmental cloud expert. He claims that portfolio of electronic services users is enormous, quality and security expectations are high. In his presentation he will introduce the plan of governmental cloud for next 6 months as well the risks that can be identified today and proposal how to solve them.
It is an IT community tradition to meet at ITAPA and to discuss the course of digitization in Slovakia and abroad. Public administration efficiency, evaluation of informatization development and strategic direction of eGovernment will be the topics of Annual Round Table on Wednesday, November 15 ending two days of ITAPA Congress, as always. You can look forward to juicy discussion of opponents. First lady of Slovak informatization MARTINA SLABEJOVA, who upon request of Peter Pellegrini switched to public administration from top manager role in global SW company, will be sitting behind the table. Her opponents will be e.g. ĽUBOR ILLEK from Slovensko.Digital platform; other panelists are Emil Fitoš (President of TAS), Martin Sůra (ATOS IT Solutions and Services), Peter Ágh (President of Chiefs of Local Municipality Offices of Slovak Republic), ZDENKO BÖHMER (DXC Technology), ADELA ZÁBRAŽNÁ (SAPIE), MILAN IŠTVÁN (Partnerstvá pre prosperitu) and PAVOL FRIČ (Ditec). There will be no shortage of interesting discussions.
We are looking forward to you.
More information, program and registration: HERE
Free accreditation for media: HERE Questions:
About ITAPA: ITAPA events (Information Technologies and Public Administration) bring for 15 years new impulses and inspirations for Slovak eGovernment and became the top congress-discussion platform for not just the IT community. ITAPA events with auspices of top representatives of state consist of various prestigious events. Most important are the conference Spring ITAPA with focus on local or European topics and autumn two-day international congress. Its focus is promotion of latest eGovernment trends and digital society solutions from all over the world and it is the most important event of its kind. Objective of ITAPA is to create an independent platform, where key representatives of state and private sector can discuss and present inspirational ideas and projects of information society. Every year it is attended by dozens of renowned speakers from Slovakia and world, hundreds of guests and relevant media.
Workshop DSM in V4 is one of the events related to Digital Single Market in V4 project, supported by Visegrad International Fund

This year ITAPA 2017 will be extraordinary. Opening keynote speech of PETER PELLEGRINI will cover essential facts about digitization of Slovak public administration and findings from the action plan for transparent drawdown of EU funds. During the initial discussion at 8:30 AM our Deputy Minister will sit behind one table with his counterparts from Visegrad 4 countries. On Tuesday, November 14 we will have a unique chance to compare which country made it farthest in digitization.
From Poland comes Secretary of the State KRZYSZTOF SZUBERT, who is also the Deputy Minister for Information Society and governmental plenipotentiary for single digital market. KRZYSZTOF SZUBERT will present findings of his own study proving that V4 countries have indeed a chance to increase growth when they will more intensely use data. In the light of these findings he opts for closer V4 collaboration in digitization.
Coordinator of digital agenda from Governmental Office of the Czech Republic, ONDŘEJ MALÝ agrees with this opinion. He says that neither Czech Republic, nor any other state, can be a digital island and proceed in digitization on their own. He fully supports the collaboration on Visegrad region level as well as on Europe-wide level.
Top speakers from V4 will complement the representative of Hungary, ÁKOS PÉTER MERNYEI Deputy Secretary of State for European Union and International Relations. In his presentation he will primarily cover the urgency to coordinate ministries in informatization and he will also outline how we in V4 can collaborate more intensely to better achieve mutual interests. It is true that even though the Central Europe has made some significant steps, it is still only at the beginning of its digitization journey. There are still things to improve, whether it is the infrastructure, usage of electronic services by citizens and entrepreneurs or data security.
How to achieve higher efficiency and what are the options of tools for management improvement in Slovak eGovernment – this is what experts will vividly discuss in the panel Effective Public Administration Tuesday afternoon, November 14 and Wednesday afternoon, November 15 in the panel Cloud in State Institutions.
„If we want better services for citizens and entrepreneurs, public administration itself must work more effectively, similarly to private sector. Governmental cloud – shared service provision – is a great tool for that. If used correctly. It is therefore the strategic priority of Slovak Government“, says RICHARD HOLLÝ, prominent governmental cloud expert. He claims that portfolio of electronic services users is enormous, quality and security expectations are high. In his presentation he will introduce the plan of governmental cloud for next 6 months as well the risks that can be identified today and proposal how to solve them.
It is an IT community tradition to meet at ITAPA and to discuss the course of digitization in Slovakia and abroad. Public administration efficiency, evaluation of informatization development and strategic direction of eGovernment will be the topics of Annual Round Table on Wednesday, November 15 ending two days of ITAPA Congress, as always. You can look forward to juicy discussion of opponents. First lady of Slovak informatization MARTINA SLABEJOVA, who upon request of Peter Pellegrini switched to public administration from top manager role in global SW company, will be sitting behind the table. Her opponents will be e.g. ĽUBOR ILLEK from Slovensko.Digital platform; other panelists are Emil Fitoš (President of TAS), Martin Sůra (ATOS IT Solutions and Services), Peter Ágh (President of Chiefs of Local Municipality Offices of Slovak Republic), ZDENKO BÖHMER (DXC Technology), ADELA ZÁBRAŽNÁ (SAPIE), MILAN IŠTVÁN (Partnerstvá pre prosperitu) and PAVOL FRIČ (Ditec). There will be no shortage of interesting discussions.
We are looking forward to you.
More information, program and registration: HERE
Free accreditation for media: HERE Questions:
About ITAPA: ITAPA events (Information Technologies and Public Administration) bring for 15 years new impulses and inspirations for Slovak eGovernment and became the top congress-discussion platform for not just the IT community. ITAPA events with auspices of top representatives of state consist of various prestigious events. Most important are the conference Spring ITAPA with focus on local or European topics and autumn two-day international congress. Its focus is promotion of latest eGovernment trends and digital society solutions from all over the world and it is the most important event of its kind. Objective of ITAPA is to create an independent platform, where key representatives of state and private sector can discuss and present inspirational ideas and projects of information society. Every year it is attended by dozens of renowned speakers from Slovakia and world, hundreds of guests and relevant media.
Workshop DSM in V4 is one of the events related to Digital Single Market in V4 project, supported by Visegrad International Fund

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