The ITAPA Open Talk discussion format, which always responds to the most current events or happenings in Slovakia and in the world, will once again be part of the ITAPA Open Talk conference, on June 16, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. It will be opened exceptionally by a retired US Army officer Ben Hodges, who served as the commanding general of the US military in Europe.
A great attraction of this year's Spring ITAPA 2022 conference will also be the defense and security expert with 35 years of experience, Pavel Macko, who was the highest-ranking Slovak in NATO. Participants will be able to hear him within the popular ITAPA Open Talk discussion format on the first day of the conference on "Security in the New World".The war in Ukraine has brought a great novelty, which is transcending physical dimensions and moving into the virtual world. It is also a war that is taking place on social networks, in debates, but also through cyber-attacks. What are the experiences of the military conflict in Europe? How is the European security map redrawn and what is the impact on the digital dimension of the military conflict? Who wins the battle for public opinion? You will find out on June 16, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
You can register for ITAPA Open Talk on the ITAPA website. Tomáš Valášek, Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic and Member of the Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for European Affairs, will also discuss with him. Moderator Marta Jančkárová will guide you through the engaging debate.
Pavel Macko má bohaté odborné a technické vedomosti a prax, manažérske aj veliteľské skúsenosti zo všetkých stupňov velenia. Zastával vysoké veliteľské a štábne funkcie doma a v medzinárodných štáboch. Počas kariéry bol veliteľom celoarmádnej logistiky, zástupcom veliteľa pozemných síl, náčelníkom štábu pre operácie GŠ a zástupcom náčelníka Generálneho štábu. Garantujme vám, že sa skutočne máte na tešiť!
Pavel Macko has extensive professional and technical knowledge and experience, managerial and command experience from all levels of command. He held senior command and staff positions at home and in international staffs. During his career, he was commander of army-wide logistics, deputy commander of the ground forces, chief of staff for general operations and deputy chief of staff. Let's guarantee that you really look forward to it!
The ITAPA Open Talk discussion format, which always responds to the most current events or happenings in Slovakia and in the world, will once again be part of the ITAPA Open Talk conference, on June 16, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. It will be opened exceptionally by a retired US Army officer Ben Hodges, who served as the commanding general of the US military in Europe. He is currently working on strategic studies at the European Policy Analysis Center. He is indeed the man in the right place, and that is why he will be a speaker in the debate on "Security in the New World".
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