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Do you have a revolutionary and exceptional project? Sign up for Call for Papers ITAPA 2020

We want to hear about you! Especially if you have an interesting and inspiring project in the field of information technology. Do you want Slovakia to know about it? Take advantage of our Call for Papers call and submit your idea to the International ITAPA Congress 2020.

Call for Papers ITAPA 2020

ITAPA offers a unique opportunity to all of you who have a successful project in the field of information technology and want to introduce it to Slovakia.

• Have you come up with a great idea?

• Has your project contributed to a better informatization of society?

• Do you have a promising technology that can change the character of Slovak eGovernment and the digitization of society?

If you have answered positively to at les tone of these questions, do not hesitate and register your project for Call for Papers at the International ITAPA Congress 2020. If your project attracts judges, you will have the chance to present it at the most prestigious IT event in Slovakia for free.



Your projects should fall under one of these categories:

• Smart industry

• IT and environmental challenges

• Smart cities

• IT in education

• Cyber security

• Digitization of health care


Presentation format

The main ideas of the winning projects will be presented at the International ITAPA Congress 2020 in the form of Ignite Session format. It will consist of short presentations of individual speakers, whose task is to inspire the audience for the topic and ideas of the author. Each speaker will have 5 minutes to present his project in 20 slides while each slide will be displayed for 15 seconds and then proceed automatically to the next one. The presenter cannot read notes.


Important information to sign in

Send information about your project to until September 15, 2020. Registration is open to everyone - non-profit organizations, academia, commercial companies, public institutions. In the registration e-mail, write the name of the presentation, the name of the author and the contact, the organization it represents and a short annotation which describes the project in max. 20 sentences. Based on the annotation, the jury will decide whether your project and presentation is relevant for the congress participants and the IT community. The results whether you will have a chance to participate in the best IT event in Slovakia as a speaker will be released by September 30, 2020. The International ITAPA Congress 2020 will take place from 9 to 11 November 2020 in Bratislava. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and become one of our speakers.

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