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First PEPPOL invoice sent, received, approved and paid

The PEPPOL project reached an important milestone 1st of March when the first invoice was successfully transferred via PEPPOL solutions. It was The Swedish National Financial Management Authority (ESV) that received the invoice, issued by a Danish subcontractor Alfa1Lab. The transaction was done using the PEPPOL transport infrastructure for message transfer and the PEPPOL Business Interoperability Specifications (BIS) for process descriptions and document content. The invoice was successfully transferred and imported by ESV into the e-invoice workflow module of their ERP system, where it was approved and paid. ESV is already today working with domestic e-invoices and scanning of paper invoices.

Compared to the scanning procedure, this electronic invoice saved us 20 minutes of manual work, says Anne Behrens from ESV. –It will also streamline cross border e-invoices with the processing and archiving of domestic electronic invoices. –The approval and payment initiation of the invoice is done in the e-invoice workflow module of our ERP system, she says. ESV is now looking forward to connect more suppliers as this first transaction can be considered to be a milestone that proves the feasibility and usefulness of PEPPOL.

We congratulate ESV and Alfa1lab on having conducted this first real life transaction via the PEPPOL transport infrastructure, says André Hoddevik, PEPPOL Project Director. –Use of the PEPPOL transport infrastructure and PEPPOL BIS makes it easier to conduct business electronically across borders, and have the potential to radically change the way e-procurement processes – not only e-invoicing – are being conducted between public sector buyers and their suppliers. –With this milestone reached and a number of other buyer-supplier pairs in pipeline for conducting their business through PEPPOL enabled solutions, we have taken an important step towards building the PEPPOL community, says Hoddevik.
The main technical components and key specifications used for enabling this transaction
To support transport:
·         Secure Trusted Asynchronous Reliable Transport (START)
·         Service Metadata Publishing (SMP)
·         Service Metadata Locator (SML)
To support invoicing process and document content:
·         PEPPOL BIS4 (based on CEN/BII Core Invoice specifications)
·         OASIS Universal Business Language 2.0 xml-syntax
About the PEPPOL project
PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online) is a Large Scale Pilot project under the European Commission Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP).
Many EU countries use electronic procurement (eProcurement) to make bidding for and satisfying public sector contracts simpler and more efficient. However, these solutions are often implemented as isolated islands within Member States, with limited communication towards other eProcurement communities and cross Member State -borders. PEPPOL will enable the connection of existing eProcurement communities, which is essential to allow businesses to bid for public sector contracts anywhere in the EU: an important step towards achieving the Single European Market.


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