ITAPA 2016 Agenda - are you curious?

Look at the annotations of selected panels. You will not be disappointed. Data revolution in medicine, eHealth, eProcurement and technological challenges of the eGov will certainly not disappoint you.
Data Revolution in MedicineMedicine has undergone a tremendous change in past years due to technologies. It is shown in the way how fast we can save lives, faster than ever before. It is shown in the quality of information that enable us to eliminate errors and strengthen prevention from serious diseases better than ever before. It is shown in the high-quality of medical devices, laboratories and equipment that detect and eliminate diseases and their causes as never before. But we still miss the answers why the treatment works for some and fails for another. Why is the disease demonstrated this way one time and in different way another time? Physicians were often helpless despite fantastic diagnostics and healthcare facility services because in some cases the trustworthy treatment just did not work or they were unable to determine the real cause of the disease in spite of tons of information. The solution might be here now, when the ability to process vast amount of data opens door to completely new level of interpretation – conclusion on causes of disease in particular cases and their treatment. We will peak into the future of medicine with our top-level speakers.
Procurement is the breaking point of every public administration. Its essence is to help public offices to buy necessary products and services in highest quality possible and by best conditions possible. The real-life implementation is often different from the idea. It is a result of various factors: ignorance, unreadiness, sometimes inability to define what the institution needs, and also targeted objective to pass the order to pre-arranged applicant, often connected with corruption. Changes in procurement rules are frequent, sometimes leading to improvement, sometimes leading to deterioration of conditions with unnecessary and inhibiting administration. European Commission, learning from past experiences, enters with more determination into the rules for procurement and is looking for a ways how to eliminate the negative effects. Let’s give an ear to what is about to come for there is no better environment to demonstrate negative impacts of incorrect procurement than purchase of ICT in public administration in Slovakia.
Healthcare is interested not only in big challenges of future medicine, these are discussed in session on personalized medicine, but also in everyday practical issues that can be effectively handled and solved by ICT. Improvement of diagnostics, operations, communication and other everyday needs of doctors and patients is always up-to-date. In the session we will bring several practical examples of projects and solutions that serve as an inspiration for others.
A Look into our own Server Room (Technological Challenges of eGov)
As the old saying goes “Nothing is older than yesterday’s news.” This starts to be true also for technologies. There is nothing as obsolete as a look into our own server room. The amount of communication in 2020 will be 2 zettabytes. Increase of data, information and communication streams in public administration is unpredictable as well as unsteady. How we will feel after visit to governmental data centers tomorrow and one year from now? The request for security and credibility is obvious but efficiency and effectiveness are just as important. Let’s let our ears to presentations that will discuss which way to head.
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