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ITAPA International Congress 2016: Make IT Easy

The world of digital technologies changes rapidly. Every day brings new solutions for everyday life. Their goal is to help, support, make it easy. 15th anniversary of ITAPA International Congress will be outlined by focus on people, value of IT services and their ability to penetrate among all users, who should benefit from them.

The age of artificial intelligence is approaching, it is however hard to foresee all positive and negative impacts. The potential is overwhelming and we want to focus on its benefits from citizen / user point of view. Another question is what areas will serve as a good space for its applications.

Technology expands the border of our abilities and opportunities. Healthcare belongs among such areas. We look forward to hear about big data in healthcare and personalised medicine, or applications of mHealth.

We invite you for vivid discussions about future of internet (of things), clouds in public services, procurement of IT goods and services, interoperability or user experience.

ITAPA accelerates progress in eGovernment by bringing all key players together and presenting actual trends and lessons learned. We can´t miss the opportunity to discuss EU eGov Action Plan 2020 and cross-border services.

Don´t miss the opportunity to share your views and experience with sound international experts, leaders and key representatives of Government, industry and other stakeholders in an EU Presidency country for 2016. Save the date in your schedule for 15th ITAPA International Congress held on November 14-15, 2016 in Crowne Plaza hotel, Bratislava, capital of Slovak Republic.

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