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eGovernment as we don't know it. Or a new vision of the digital state. This will be one part of the presentation of the new State Secretary of the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic (MIRDI) Ján Hargaš.

For more than 20 years, state and European money has been pouring into the informatization and innovation of public and state services. No one really knows exactly how much. The money flowed from various operational programs, from the state budget, from municipal money. In addition, projects at the Ministry of Defense, the Slovak Information Service and other "force units" have long remained largely out of public control.

However, the results do not correspond to the current costs. Slovakia still remains at the tail of the EU. Many projects were not actually implemented, others were flawed and some were simply practically and morally obsolete. Often, projects reflected the political strength of the applicant rather than a real need.
Ján Hargaš has been actively expressing dissatisfaction for years. Together with others, he was behind the establishment of the civic association Slovakia. Digital. The task was simple - to make sure that state IT projects were of better quality, so that the public got real value for money. In a short time, Slovakia.Digital was not only able to create space for a wide community of IT experts, but many of its recommendations were also transformed into concrete changes in the functioning of state IT.

Today, Ján Hargaš is the State Secretary of MIRDI for Informatization. For the first time in 20 years, an executive responsibility for building a digital state has been acquired by a person who has actively, years and publicly formulated his  own vision of eGovernment. In difficult discussions and not always in a friendly atmosphere. At the ITAPA congress - after 100 days of operation - the new Secretary of State will present to the general public the goals where Slovakia should go in the field of informatization, what types of projects should be expected and what will be the ways in which Slovakia should achieve these goals.

If you want to see and hear more, register! There are still several physical locations as well as online accesses!

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