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ITAPA International Congress 2021
Registration of participants of ITAPA International Congress 2021
Veronika Remišová, Deputy Prime Minister of investments, regional d…
Radoslav Danilák, Tachyum
Matej Tóth, olympic winner
Opening of ITAPA International Congress 2021
Discussion during the Modern Europe - Modern Slovakia
Ján Hargaš, Secretary of State - eGovernment as we don't know it
Marian Puttera, CISCO
Audience of eGovernment as we don't know it
Discussion during the eGovernment as we don't know it
Partner´s exhibition - Plaut´s stand
Panel speakers of The digital future of Slovakia
Discussion during the Public administration reform - panel speakers…
Richard Rybníček, Union of Slovak Cities
Profesor Milan Dado (University of Žilina) during the Gigabit Slova…
Martin Bezek, Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Info…
Panel speakers of The digital future of Slovakia
Ľudmila Majláthová, Representation of the European Commission in Sl…
Discussion during the Where does the 20 miliard go?
Martin Hakel, Inštitút regionálnej politiky Bratislavského kraja
Martin Sulík, NASES - The endless story of the government cloud
Panel speakers of The endless story of the government cloud
The endless story of the government cloud
ITAPA OPEN TALK: How to build a functioning digital state, or why s…
ITAPA OPEN TALK: How to build a functioning digital state, or why s…
Arrival of the Vladimír Lengvarský, Minister of Health of Slovak Re…
Vladimír Lengvarský, Minister of Health of Slovak Republic
Opening of the second day of the International Congress ITAPA 2021 …
ONLINE speaker Gustav Kalbe, DG Connect C during the Slovakia as an…
Vladimír Šucha, UNESCO - Next generation EU - Next generation Slovakia
Discussion Next generation EU - Next generation Slovakia
Svetlana Síthová, štátna tajomníčka - Next generation Slovakia
Martina Antošová during the plenary section Slovakia as an innovati…
Slovakia as an innovative power
The panel discussion Healthcare reform
Discussion during Industry transformation
Peter Balco, ATOS IT Solution and Services
Panel speakers of the Artificial intelligence and EDTs - their effe…
Petra Zappe, AmCham
Panel discussion to the Data as a medicine for healthcare
Panel discussion the Data as a medicine for healthcare
Rastislav Karbas, Prosoft during the panel Data as a medicine for h…
Panel speakers to discussion the Modern regional education - needs,…
Alena Kanabová, Accenture Advanced Technology Center during the Mod…
Colin Cui Yu, Huawei Technologies during the panel discussion Moder…
Panel speakers to the discussion Why do we need supercomputers?
Ivan Štich, Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Science d…
Lukáš Demovič´s presentation, Slovak Academy of Science - Why do we…
Andrej Aleksiev, IT Association Slovakia during the panel discussio…
Martin Kultan, Dôvera Health Insurance Company and Marian Šóth, Ass…
The discussion during the Cyber security staff can also be trained …
Pavol Lepey, Roche Slovensko - Healthcare reform
Emil Fitoš, ITAS
Welcoming the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Korčok before attend…
Ivan Mikloš (MESA10) during the ITAPA OPEN TALK: How to make Slovak…
ITAPA OPEN TALK: How to make Slovakia an innovative superpower
Dušan Velič (The Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and I…
Ivan Mikloš´s book autograph session
Speakers of the EU AND NATO: How to build a safe Europe?
Discussion during the EU AND NATO: How to build a safe Europe
Marian Majer, Secretary of State - EU and NATO: How to build a safe…
Discussion during the EU AND NATO: how to build a safe Europe?
The discussion EU and NATO: How to build a safe Europe?
European space research
Presentation during the panel How to build a secure digital state
Roman Čupka, Kemp Flowmon during the discussion A safe country in t…
Tomáš Hlavsa, ATOS IT Solutions and Services during the presentatio…
Peter Kočík, Fortinet - A safe country in the digital age
Dominika Hajdu, Globsec Research Institute počas panelu A safe coun…
Rastislav Janota, National Security Authority SK-CERT during the pr…
Panel speakers of the Quantum technologies
Djeylan Aktas, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences and…
Panel speakers during the discussion How to build a secure digital …
Martin Florian, Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and In…
Panel speakers of the discussion How to certify the security of clo…
Juraj Pankuch,The Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and …
Ivan Makatura, Cyber Security Competence and Certification Center d…
Ferdinand Vavrík, CSIRT MIRRI during the panel discussion Technolog…
The panel discussion Technology trends for cybersecurity and defens…
The panel discussion Technology trends for cybersecurity and defens…
The panel discussion Do not be afraid to report vulnerabilities and…
Veronika Remišová and Jaroslav Naď before ITAPA OPEN TALK: Slovakia…
ITAPA OPEN TALK: Slovakia swept by misinformation
Press briefing
Galadinner of the International Congress ITAPA 2021 - Lucia Siposová
OPPORTUNITY AWARD 2021 ceremony in partnership with DITEC
Veronika Remišová, Deputy Prime Minister of Slovak Republic appreci…
Veronika Remišová, Deputy Prime Minister of Investments appreciates…
ITAPA award ceremony 2021 - 1. award for The most innovative projec…
ITAPA AWARD 2021 - :Global online monitoring of bees
Special recognition of the ITAPA 2021 AWARD for the lab.online project
ITAPA PRIZE 2021 for the most innovative project - 3rd place: NiniN…
ITAPA 2021 AWARD for the most innovative project - 3rd place: Carbo…
ITAPA 2021 AWARD for the most innovative project: 2nd place - DIGIT…
ITAPA 2021 AWARD for the company's best digitization project, 3rd p…
ITAPA 2021 AWARD for the best digitization project of the company, …
ITAPA 2021 AWARD for the best company digitization project, 1st pla…
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