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Alexander Leiningen-westerburg

Segment Responsible E-Government, Siemens Business Services
Born in 1964 in Vienna, he joined Siemens Business Services in 2005 and soon became eGovernment Segment Responsible. For several years he has been lecturing New Media at the Danube University in Krems and at the Paracelsus University in Salzburg.
Being charmed by the internet the graduated historian attended the technical postgraduate study of telematic management at the Danube University in the late nineties.. Between 2001 and 2005 he worked for the Austrian Federal Chancellary, specifically in the Austrian ICT Strategy Unit, which was responsible to implement and disseminate eGovernment in Austria. The remarkable success of the unit led to Austrias improvement within the European eGovernment ranking, starting from position 13 ending up in the 1st place . Within this eGovernment task force he was involved in several projects such as the citizen card, federal PKI strategies and the Austrian eGovernment Quality Mark. Somemore he also supported municipalities on their way to eGovernment.
  • Protection of National Cultural Heritage in Austria
    The area-spanning utilization of the electronic record system in Austrian Federal Administration also requires professional archiving. In accordance with the Law on Federal Archiving, the Austrian State Archives are not only responsible for the corresponding selection, addition and storage of the electronic original, but also for long-term (=permanent) readability of data. This is achieved by the installation of a storage system at two sites as well as by software based on the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model. In the sense of cost-efficiency, the Federal Chancellery has procured a general license. It allows all Austrian Federal Provinces, cities, communities and other governmental bodies to co-utilize this archive solution without individual tendering via their own tenants. The presentation will give an overview of the project. The requirements, the hard- and software solution and the main standards like OAIS, PREMIS and others will be covered.
  • Electronic services and eGovernment in Austria - a road to the top

    An insider’s view on the Austrian E-Government story: According to the last European eGovernment Benchmark Austria is the leading European eGovernment country. This first place is the result of a sophisticated, service-oriented eGovernment strategy and hard work with the restriction of a tight budget. The first part of the presentation will give a short overview of the strategy and the modular Austrian eGovernment model, with a special focus on the various open source reusables, which can be used by any government and private organization throughout the world. The second part will focus on the lessons learned in building an eGovernment strategy for a whole country. 

  • E-Government Strategy - how to build it for a whole country (the Austrian E-Government Experience

    An insider’s view on the Austrian E-Government story: According to the last European eGovernment Benchmark Austria is the leading European eGovernment country. This first place is the result of a sophisticated, service-oriented eGovernment strategy and hard work with the restriction of a tight budget. The first part of the presentation will give a short overview of the strategy and the modular Austrian eGovernment model, with a special focus on the various open source reusables, which can be used by any government and private organization throughout the world. The second part will focus on the lessons learned in building an eGovernment strategy for a whole country.
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