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Andrea Sedláková

European Commission

She works as an attorney in the European Commission, DG CONNECT, Cloud and Software unit.  She is responsible for privacy issues in the cloud, cyber security in the cloud, cloud services certification, obligations of cloud providers under EU legislation and extraterritorial aspects - especially US and Chinese extraterritorial requirements. to cloud providers.

  • Discussion
  • State of government cloud implementation in EU Member States

    The presentation will introduce various approaches to the take-up of cloud computing in the public administration across the EU Member States. The Member States implement their cloud policies at a different pace; while some have complex cloud strategies in place and operate a whole range of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS cloud services in the public sector, the others are gradually introducing and implementing cloud solutions. The presentation should also provide a high-level overview of the current European Commission’s policies in the field of cloud computing.

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