Botond Feledy
Mr. Botond Feledy is lawyer, foreign policy expert and commentator, senior fellow at the Centre of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Development (CEID). Currently he is researching cyber security and Russian influence in Central Europe. He was elected last year as member of the #NewEurope100, a joint initiative of Google, Financial Times, Visegrad Fund and the Polish Res Publica Foundation to choose yearly the hundred most transformative person of the Central European region. He is former director of the Saint Ignatius Jesuit College, he is still working at various instances of the Hungarian public talent management programs. He presides the Institute of Social Reflection as well as offers seminars in IR theory at Pazmany University, Budapest. He was one of the founder and editor in chief of the Hungarian thematic foreign policy news portal called Kitekintő in 2007. He had worked previously at the European Parliament in Brussels, where he co-founded a simulation game initiative "Negotiation Moot" where players participate at virtual European Summits. The “MediaStorm” simulation is another development of his together with a former MTI (Hungarian Press Agency) colleague, where Mr Feledy was head of the foreign affairs desk in 2011-12. Mr Feledy earned his Juris Doctor at Lorand Eötvös University, later he diplomed in French law at Aix-Marseille III and Paris II-Panthéon-Assas in France, and also finished a Master in international relations at Sciences Po Bordeaux, lived one year in Berlin as a DAAD research fellow at the Otto Suhr Institut of International Political Economy at Freie Universitaet.