Branislav Majerník
He works in Oracle as a Technical Consultant / Solution Architect. He has more than 20 years of experience in IT. He specializes at digital transformation, functional programming, data science. He collaborated at extensive information system projects in private and public sector. Before he joined Oracle, he worked in Siemens.
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12 factors to the successful cloud
Why not to miss the presentation?
It will tell you about building of cloud native solutions (also for public administration) and in the end, it will disclose why you need exactly 12 factors - not more, not less.
What are the operation and function principles of a successful cloud? What are the architecture principles of a successful cloud app? How to best utilize automated, virtual and scalable cloud environment? Hitchhiker’s guide through 12 factors and 12 possible answers.
12 factors to the successful cloud
Why not to miss the presentation?
It will tell you about building of cloud native solutions (also for public administration) and in the end, it will disclose why you need exactly 12 factors - not more, not less.
What are the operation and function principles of a successful cloud? What are the architecture principles of a successful cloud app? How to best utilize automated, virtual and scalable cloud environment? Hitchhiker’s guide through 12 factors and 12 possible answers.