Daren Wilson
Daren Wilson is Canadian with extensive international experience and a passion to improve the healthcare system in Slovakia. Daren has served as the General Manager at Roche Slovensko since 2019. Prior to joining Roche Slovensko, Daren worked as a Head of Product Strategy and a core member of the Belgium/Luxembourg Leadership Team in Brussels. Daren also previously held a position of General Manager in Indonesia, and has a strong background in global oncology from both Roche and Novartis. Daren is a passionate & collaborative people leader with a 20+ year track record of success culminating in global strategic, operational, brand marketing and sales leadership roles within the pharmaceutical industry. He actively spearheads successful transformation and turnaround programs, which shape culture, fosters team collaboration and delivers brand portfolio value, revenue growth and patient benefit.
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Discussion of invited guests:
Adam Kozierkiewicz, JASPERS, European Investment Bank
Róbert Babeľa, Ústav zdravotníckych disciplín VŠZaSP sv. Alžbety
Jozef Benčík, SAS Slovakia
Daren Wilson, Roche Slovakia
Building Blocks for a National Health Data Strategy.
Healthcare transformation towards better patient outcomes, spend efficiency and sustainability is achievable with measurable and actionable data insights. Health Data is one of the most important resources for effective healthcare systems. Establishing a National Health Data Strategy will enable EU countries to shift their healthcare systems from being cost-driven to value-based, outcome driven. With the recent EU Data policy and EU Health Data Space initiative, this presentation offers a blueprint of building blocks for a National Health Data Strategy.