Dennis Svane Christensen
Dennis Svane Christensen holds a Masters degree in Communications from Aalborg University and as former Head of Marketing and BD at Saab, the Swedish Defence Company, he has more than 15 years of international experience working within the global defence, airport and energy domains, including solutions incorporating drones for naval, underwater and airborne use. Dennis joined Odense Robotics 2 years ago and is responsible for theRobotics eco system in Southern Denmark, representing, amongst others, members like Danfoss, Linak and the Hospitals of Southern Denmark. Odense Robotics in Southern Denmark has a strong focus on Automation, Healthcare robotics, ESG and Sustainability. The Odense Robotics cluster has more than 400 members, aiming to create a solid platform for growth, creating and increasing the workforce within the sector as well as helping Start- and Scale up robotics and drone companies grow.
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The Danish Robotics Eco System
Denmark faces a steep expected increase in hospital patients and elderly with chronic diseases over the next 50 years, due to an aging population. This presents a real challenge for the health care system in Denmark – Especially considering the dwindling workforce due to smaller generations over the coming years. The only way to overcome this challenge is by looking to technology and robotics. Not only for specialized tasks such as the treatment itself – but also when it comes to cleaning, maintenance, logistics and general care to enable the health care personnel to do more with less. Odense Robotics, the Danish national cluster for the Robotics and Automation industry, is determined to address these issues by a sustained support for small and medium sized companies – helping them grow both financially and technologically to address the challenges needed to maintain the Danish welfare system over the coming years. This will be an introduction to Odense Robotics and the Danish robotics eco system – exemplified by cases from the healthcare domain in Denmark.