Dominik Tomek
Dominik Tomek, PhD. works as a professional assistant at the Faculty of Medicine of Slovak Medical University, is a professional guarantor for certified work studies in the field of Pharmacoeconomics. In 2015-2016, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics ISPOR, based in the USA. He worked for 4 years as a member of the management of the European Patients Forum based in Brussels, and is currently a member of the EPF Ethics Committee in Brussels. He has been working for the Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights for many years, and is currently the vice-president of the AOPP. He worked at the Ministry of Health, health insurance companies, the State Institute for Drug Control and medical facilities.
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Welcome, workshop information
Why telemedicine?
Disruptive innovation refers to a new technology that completely changes the way an industry or market operates. It took airlines over 60 years to get the first 50 million users, the first telephone less than 50 years, credit cards less than 30 years, computers 15 years, the Internet 7-8 years, and Facebook did it in less than 4 years. 3 years ago - before Covid - we only dreamed about eRecept, and then suddenly it was here - overnight. With telemedicine it's like ePrescription - it's always been called that - but it's already here and it's starting to change the healthcare industry dramatically. The entire "digital health" system, which also includes telemedicine, is currently in this situation. Do you want to be there or out of it? -
Evaluation and conclusions of the workshop
panel speakers
Pavol Lepey, Roche Slovensko
Lukáš Palaj, Ministry of Health SR
Michal Štofko, Asociácia zdravotných poisťovní
Dominik Tomek, Asociácia na ochranu práv pacientov