Eduard Heger
Eduard Heger was born on May 3, 1976. He graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava. He worked as a manager in various companies, but also as a consultant at the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic. He was at the birth of the well-known Slovak brand, which became famous in the USA. He was the second most active member of parliament in the last parliamentary term.
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DISCUSSION of political party leaders
Interview: Slovakia as a country of innovation
How can Slovakia succeed in the modern world?
Discussion of invited guests:
Eduard Heger, Minister of Finance SR
Céline Gauer, European Commission (invited)
Ladislav Miko, Representative of European Commission in Slovakia
Jana Ježíková, Ministry of Health SR
Ján Oravec, Ministry of Economy SR
Ivan Mikloš, MESA
Marek Antal, MIRRI
Rudolf Urbánek, Microsoft Slovakia
Slovakia has been asleep for a long time - a restart is coming