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Emil Fitoš

IT Association of Slovakia, president
After studies and business, Emil Fitoš spent more than 20 years of his working life at Siemens and later at Atos. In 2014, he became CEO of Atos Slovakia and Czech Republic. Under his leadership, Atos was one of the leading companies on the market with a significant innovative contribution. On 21 June 2017, he was elected President of the IT Association of Slovakia and will defend the position in 2019, 2021 and 2023. He serves as an advisor to the Slovak Government and Deputy Chairman of the Slovak Government Council for the Digitization of the Public Sector and the Digital Single Market. He also influences the digitalisation of Slovakia through his involvement in the activities of the Digital Coalition and the Centre for Artificial Intelligence AISlovakIA. He is the CEO of the Slovak Centre for Digital Innovation (known as SCDI), the largest European digital innovation hub in Slovakia.
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