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Emil Fitoš

IT Association of Slovakia, president
After studies and business, Emil Fitoš spent more than 20 years of his working life at Siemens and later at Atos. In 2014, he became CEO of Atos Slovakia and Czech Republic. Under his leadership, Atos was one of the leading companies on the market with a significant innovative contribution. On 21 June 2017, he was elected President of the IT Association of Slovakia and will defend the position in 2019, 2021 and 2023. He serves as an advisor to the Slovak Government and Deputy Chairman of the Slovak Government Council for the Digitization of the Public Sector and the Digital Single Market. He also influences the digitalisation of Slovakia through his involvement in the activities of the Digital Coalition and the Centre for Artificial Intelligence AISlovakIA. He is the CEO of the Slovak Centre for Digital Innovation (known as SCDI), the largest European digital innovation hub in Slovakia.
    panel speakers
    Emil Fitoš, ITAS

  • How is digital transformation different from computerization, as we have known it so far?
    Digitization has significantly changed entire industries - financial services, retail and wholesale, energy and telecommunications. Under the name Industry 4.0, the digitization of industry is underway. In all these sectors, there have been fundamental changes in processes, organizational structures, human resources and customer service. Why don't we see the same benefits of IT in public administration, even though the suppliers are the same companies?

    We still have a circulation of documents based on the paper world. Electronic processes also copy the paper world. Decisions must be sought and substantiated. All applications must be approved, the scope of automation is zero. The data are still largely isolated. Agendas are also payable to the department, and information systems faithfully copy this fact. If everyone does the same thing, they just use a computer instead of paper, in fact too little will change.

    The potential of the digital age needs to be fully exploited. It also means transforming processes in public administration and introducing separate electronic tools and procedures, independent and unrelated to paper procedures and tools. An analogy can be, for example, banks, where the same operation is performed differently at the branch and differently through internet banking, while the result for the client is the same.

  • Discussion Round Table
    Invited guests:
    Marek Antal (MIRRRI), Pavel Karel (NASES), Vladimír Dzurilla (MV ČR), Emil Fitoš (ITAS), Pavol Frič (DITEC), Gabriel Lachmann (Slovensko.Digital), Rastislav Janota (NCKB SK-CERT), Pavol Miroššay (Slovensko IT)
  • Does the state plan to help the digital transformation of the industry?
    It does not make sense to convince Slovak companies of the importance of industry 4.0. Most of them clearly understand the opportunity they represent. At the same time, they understand what they are in danger of losing competition in this area.

    Politicians or decision-makers do not need to be convinced of the need for digital transformation of Slovak industry. In recent years, the term Industry 4.0 has become part of their vocabulary.

    However, they need to be asked how they will deal with the digital transformation of the economy in the context of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRF). There is cause for concern, as the National Integrated Reform Plan is unmanaged in this respect. RRF is a chance to remedy, but it must be preceded by a different view of the country's priorities and what tools the state should apply so that Slovakia can be modern and successful not only in marketing slogans, but also in terms of a prosperous and competitive economy.

  • Discussion
    Discussion of invited speakers:
    Richard Sulík, Deputy Prime Minister  of the Slovak Republic and Minister of Economy SR
    Peter Blaškovitš, SIEA
    Lukáš Demovič, SAV
    Emil Fitoš, ITAS
    Eva Stejskalová, Microstep
    and other invited speakers
  • Discussion
    Discussion of invited speakers:
    Peter Blaškovitš, SIEA 
    Lukáš Demovič, SAV
    Emil Fitoš, ITAS  
    Radovan Furmann, CEIT
    Ivan Kasanický, SAS Slovakia
    Peter Semančík, Resco
    Branislav Valach, Resco
  • Discussion
  • Introductory speech
  • Story of Slovak eGovernment
  • Discussion
  • Annual round table
  • Discussion
  • Risks of the informatization by 2020 and the measurements to eliminate them.
    Emil Fitos was asked by Deputy Prime Minister´s Office for Investments and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, starting from april 2018, to lead the working group Governance for Informatization Management Section. One of the first discussions he has raised on the working group was so - called pre-mortem analysis. Participants in the discussion should respond to the challenge: "Imagine that we are in 2020 and the informatization program did not produce tangible results. What do you think was the cause of the failure?" The author of the contribution, in accordance with the collected responses, raises the question of the risks of informatization at the current stage of the development as well as possible stabilization and corrective measurements.

  • Discussion
  • DISCUSSION: Round table
    Let’s move to the 2020. How will Slovak eGovernment look like? Will the public administration be re -reformed? Will we achieve the set priorities? Will the Slovak regions and cities already implement smart solutions? And will the solutions be safe?
  • Professionalization of Slovak Informatization
    The project of Slovak information society would benefit from evading two extremities. The first one is the threat of chaos, the other one are the symptoms of stupor. We can successfully progress and evade either the first or the second option only if we don’t lie to ourselves and work as professionals. Presentation names the risks that are permanently present in the demanding project of eGovernment development; many of them have come true in the past. It will also demonstrate on specific examples that negative risk impacts can be either eliminated or at least mitigated.
  • Professionalization of Slovak Informatization
    The project of Slovak information society would benefit from evading two extremities. The first one is the threat of chaos, the other one are the symptoms of stupor. We can successfully progress and evade either the first or the second option only if we don’t lie to ourselves and work as professionals. Presentation names the risks that are permanently present in the demanding project of eGovernment development; many of them have come true in the past. It will also demonstrate on specific examples that negative risk impacts can be either eliminated or at least mitigated.
  • Current challenges and risks in the process of informatization of Slovak society
    A year has passed since the last ITAPA Congress and information society in Slovakia has significantly changed. After hectic year 2015 came attenuation of development and launch of new projects. The government born after March elections set its priorities; leaders of information society in Slovakia still need to find their place in these priorities. The public discussion on information society has changed as well. Many professionals have entered the discussion; this has on one hand brought creative impulses and bigger transparency, and on the other hand it increased demand for undersized and underrun administrative capacities. The part of discussion understandable to media is usually critical hampering possible political support. The community willing to have information technologies as one of tools of society development is facing challenges that will include the change of how we look at electronic services, new definition of target groups and what is attractive for them, as well as reasonable level of innovation risks.
  • Discussion round table: Slovakia 2020
    Stakeholders discussion on digital development trends in the country and position of Slovakia during the EU Presidency, regarding the main digital EU initiatives; goals in digitalization towards 2020

    Invited guests:

    Pavel Bojňanský
    Emil Fitoš (ATOS)
    Milan Ftáčnik (Slovenská informatická spoločnosť)
    Ľubor Illek (Slovensko.Digital)
    Milan Ištván (Partnerships for Prosperity)
    Rastislav Janota (NASES)
    Štefan Kišš (Institute for Financial Policy)
    Roman Konečný (National Security Authority)
    Peter Kostolný (Government Office of the SR)
    Mário Lelovský (ITAS)
    Miloš Molnár (ideata Europe)

  • How the IT industry and the education system in Slovakia can be mutually helpful
    In his lecture, Emil Fitoš discusses the relationship between the education system in Slovakia and information technologies, as perceived in two different levels.  Primarily he deals with the IT industry need for educated and qualified labour force. We assess the projects that have been performed in this field as well as those planned. If the Slovak Republic is to advance towards more competitive economy, it will not be possible without intensive implementation of information technologies in all segments of production and services. It is evident that the labour force with technical and IT education is the essential precondition of such transition. The second part of the lecture deals with what the IT industry offers to the education system in general.  The lecturer specifically emphasises the verified methods and procedures, including engaging employers in the teaching process preparation.  
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