Eva Stejskalová
Co-funder and currently executive director of the innovative Slovak company MicroStep, which is engaged in research, development and production of CNC centers for material separatiion by laser, plasma and water jet. MicroStep machines are used in 55 countries around the world for the production of ships, cranes, mining reiforcements, pressure vessels and many other products. Eva Stejskalová, together with Alexander Varga, holds the EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 title. As a member of Horizon2020 High Level Strategy Group on Industrial Technologies, she was part of the European Commision´s advisory body on industrial transformation, key enabling Technologies and innovation strategies. She focused on the application of digital Technologies in the manufactoring industry.
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Discussion of invited speakers:
Richard Sulík, Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic and Minister of Economy SR
Peter Blaškovitš, SIEA
Lukáš Demovič, SAV
Emil Fitoš, ITAS
Eva Stejskalová, Microstep
and other invited speakers