Fedor Lehocki
Ing. Fedor Lehocki, PhD., MPH – works at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. He is currently a member of the Center for Artificial Intelligence (AIslovakIA). In 2011, he founded the National Center for Telemedicine Services, since 2015 he has been working as the director of the civic association. He is a member of the international organization IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. He worked as an independent expert in the preparation of strategic documents in the field of eHealth and as a member of the team for the introduction of telemedicine at the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic. He was an Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics where he still works as a reviewer. He is a member of several program committees of international conferences in the field of health informatics and biomedical engineering. He focuses on research topics for clinical decision systems, mHealth, chronic disease management. Since 2013, he has been the chairman of the program and organizational committee of the IEEE EMBS Summer School on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Telemedicine.
DISCUSSION "Artificial intelligence in medicine"
Technologies and Innovative Concepts in Telemedicine and Virtual Care
Complex management of patients suffering from chronic diseases is focused on collaborative healthcare supporting an interactive partnership between patients and healthcare providers by modern biomedical technologies. The aim is to provide a solution that will enable access, collection, analyses and sharing of long-term and consistent data about the health status by integrated digital representation of a patient. Processing these data enable inference of a new knowledge, assistance with clinical analysis and support decision making for personalised prediction, prevention and therapy.
Together with continuous monitoring of selected parameters it will support the self-management for patients/citizens and facilitate comprehension of their own health status and activities necessary for achieving its stable compensation.
Collaboration based on state-of-the-art knowledge in medicine and healthcare informatics provides vision of modern healthcare characterized as preventive, predictive, personalized, pervasive, participative, precise, and patient oriented.