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Gerhard Wagner

General Secretary, VIW e-Business Austria, Austria
Born 1967 in Lower Austria. Studies in law and business administration. From 1992 to 1996, information professional in the Viennese law & EC-consultancy firm E.P.P.A. and Europroject (EU-funding, monitoring, lobbying). 1996: EU-lectures in Hungary (GTAF/ PHARE-programme). From March 1997 on: secretary general of the Austrian Federation for the Information Industry (VIW e-Business Austria).

Languages: German, English, French, Hungarian, Serbo-Croation, Ancient Greek, Latin.

Membership: eContent group (AT), Council of German Speaking Terminologies (RaDT); DLM-Forum of the European Commission (long-term preservation), Europrix, ASI@-ITC, UNESCO, MOST, World of NGOs, ECOVASS, EUROCERT.

Lectures (in EU, CEE, CIS) on information and content industry, business intelligence, information brokerage public sector information, lobbying and public affairs, PPP, civil society, terminology management, internationalisation and localisation (universities of Krems, Eisenstadt, Vienna).

  • PSI as Bridge between eGovernment and Content-Industry

    In the past years, most new EU-member states as Slovak Republic introduced a legislation on the freedom of information (FOI) targeting the citizen. Whenever you asked the politicians, if these provisions include a free and unlimited commercial reuse of those public resources by the publishing- and multimedia industry, there was no reply.

    The new EU-Directive on PSI tries to support the small content-publishers, to create easyily and quickly new products and therefore create new jobs. The missing dialogue on that subject proves that most public institutions do not understand yet why private publishers see still a need to establish added-value products (A) or to refine public (raw) data. The presentation will therefore show the public sector how they could benefit from that EC-legislation, e.g, in the field of knowledge management. It is a simple example how government can save costs not be deploying new technologies, but by establishing a coherent policy and defining a division of labour between public and private sector.

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