Heliodor Macko
Heliodor Macko is the founder of Visicom, which develops software solutions for FMCG sales representatives. After Visicom was acquired by the American company AFS Technologies, he became the director of SEAK based in Prešov. SEAK specializes on genuine intelligent lighting control technology for smart cities / smart industry and electric car chargers and it is being increasingly successful on the international market.
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…in the east there is said to be nothing…
... of course it didn't apply then and it doesn't apply today. We will present a pilot project for the deployment of smart technologies and their mutual integration in Sabinov. And naturally there are enough such projects in the east and the rest of Slovakia. And there will certainly be more in the near future, thanks to increasingly specific sources from the European Union. What to look out for so that we can use them effectively in building smart infrastructure for cities and regions? Our presentation will also be about that.