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Igor Moravčík

Slovak Chamber of Dentists, president
In 1995, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Bratislava, department of dentistry. In the period from 1995 to 2000 he was employed as a dentist in the Hospital and Polyclinic in Hlohovec, during this period in In 1998, he successfully completed the certification - 1st degree specialization in the field of dentistry. From 2000 runs a private dental practice. He became a member of the Slovak Chamber of Dentists after completing his studies, he first worked in the RK SKZL Trnava region, in 2011 he became the vice-president of the SKZL and then in 2015 he was elected the president of the SKZL. He was re-elected to the position of president for another four-year term in 2019.
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