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Jack Wu

President of eToyou, Taiwan


(1) 2001-2003   EMBA, National Taiwan University
(2) 1972-1977   Bachelor of Science,
Department of Maritime Technology,
National Taiwan Ocean University
(1) Management: Project Management, System Integration
(2) Applications: e-Government IT Development, Disaster Mitigation and Prevention, Emergency Operation Center (EOC), National Transportation System (Airport, Highway)
(3) Software: Software Development Guideline 2.0, Software Engineering, Software Engineering Tool
(4) Standard: CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), Process Management
Professional Experience:
(1) 2006 to Present, e-ToYou International Inc., General Manager
(2) CMMI Committee, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Project Manager
(3) SPIN-TAIWAN, Executive Secretary
(4) Director, Information Engineering Institute,
III (Institute for Information Industry)
(5) Deputy Director, Information System Laboratory, III
(6) Acting Director, Special System Division, III
(7) Senior Engineer, Special System Division, III
  • Disaster Mitigation and Reconstruction
    Increased global natural disasters appear to be a trend due to global warming and fast economic development around the world. Finding ways to decrease and mitigate damage losses has thus become an important mission of all governments. With Taiwan being a place of high disaster risk, the Taiwanese government has invested many resources to develop systems to fight against natural disasters in the last ten years, and has gained invaluable experiences in utilizing modern ICT and GIS technology to mitigate disaster loss to share with other countries. Reconstruction also presents important issues for helping the healthy recovery of damaged areas or refugees, including engineering and non-engineering methods.
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