James Waterworth
James Waterworth is Vice-President, Europe for the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) advising members and policy makers on a wide range of issues including intellectual property, international trade and internet regulation. He brings with him more than a decade of experience in technology policy having held government affairs posts for Nokia, Cable and Wireless and Telefonica in Brussels and London.
As Director of Government Affairs for Nokia he lead calls for the European Union to create a Digital Single Market; a unified market to the advantage of business and consumers. He took Nokia into the field of internet policy for the first time. From 2007 to 2008 he worked for the Nokia CTO on media relations.
Between 2001 and 2005 he worked in London for Cable & Wireless and then Telefonica UK on telecommunications network regulation, most notably on the regulation of the wholesale broadband market and the structural separation of the former UK telecommunications incumbent BT.
Between 2009 and 2012 he was President of the European Digital Media Association.
He has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and French from the University of Leeds and a master’s degree in European Politics from the University of London.
As Director of Government Affairs for Nokia he lead calls for the European Union to create a Digital Single Market; a unified market to the advantage of business and consumers. He took Nokia into the field of internet policy for the first time. From 2007 to 2008 he worked for the Nokia CTO on media relations.
Between 2001 and 2005 he worked in London for Cable & Wireless and then Telefonica UK on telecommunications network regulation, most notably on the regulation of the wholesale broadband market and the structural separation of the former UK telecommunications incumbent BT.
Between 2009 and 2012 he was President of the European Digital Media Association.
He has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and French from the University of Leeds and a master’s degree in European Politics from the University of London.
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Round Table Discussion: A Battle of Digital Platforms in Europe?
With increasing usage of electronic services and digital content, EU is confronted with success of global platforms and networks. What is the way through? What are the pro´s and con´s? What are the positions of strong IT leaders in these questions? EC just announced proposal for update of EU audio-visual rules as well as presented targeted approach to online platforms. The goal of the roundtable is to reflect on these topics and present positions of EU countries, as well as economic challenges and opportunities connected with this approach.
Panellists and introductory speakers:- Juraj Bárdy, Chief Data Officer
- Dagmar Bošanská, the coordinator of the national strategy for the implementation of the digital single market
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- Martin Bailey, acting Head of Digital Single Market Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission
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- Pascal Rogard, Counsellor for Telecommunications, Information Society and Postal Services, Permanent Representation of France to the EU
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- Gunther Grathwohl, Telecommunications and Information Society, Postal Affairs, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the EU
- James Waterworth, Vice President, Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) Europe
- Mette Schiøtz Sørensen, Danish Business Authority
- Pavel Bojňanský, Ministry of Finance SR