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Jaroslav Ďurovka

National Cyber Security Center, Director
Jaroslav Ďurovka graduated and successfully completed his studies at the Faculty of Law, Charles University in Bratislava in 2000. After working for Matador - Obnova in Bratislava, he took up the position of senior lawyer at Globtel in June 2001, Bratislava (later since 2002 bearing the trade name Orange Slovensko, a.s.) was already the largest mobile operator in the Slovak Republic. Since 2003, he has professionally profiled himself as a legal advisor in the field of regulatory relations, personal data protection and information security. At the beginning of 2005, Orange CorpSec, he became the Deputy Director of Corporate Security for Orange Slovensko. During his 10-year career, he worked primarily in the field of personal data protection (in 2014 he also became the person responsible for personal data protection), legal regulation of information security and relations with state authorities. At the beginning of 2015, he was appointed to the position of Director of Corporate Security for Orange Slovensko, and in 2019 he became Director of Security and Regulatory Relations. During his professional career, in addition to the regulatory aspects of information security, he focused mainly on maintaining and improving the corporate security management system at Orange Slovensko in accordance with internationally recognized standards.
  • Discussion "NIS 2 and cyber security strategy in Slovakia"
  • DISCUSSION "Strategy of cyber security in the state"
  • Discussion
    Discussion of invited speakers:
    Jaroslav Ďurovka, ORANGE
    Juraj Eliáš, O2 Slovakia
    Ivan Marták, Úrad pre reguláciu elektronických komunikácií a poštových služieb
    Rene Summer, Ericcson
    Marian Ščasný, Úrad pre reguláciu elektronických komunikácií a poštových služieb
    Tomáš Vobruba, CheckPoint
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