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Ladislav Kovár

Ministry of investment, regional development and informatization SR, director of the e-Government management department
Ladislav Kovár works as the director of the e-Government management department at the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic. He spent more than 20 years in IT, starting in public administration. After completing his legal education, he mainly focuses on the intersection of information technology and law. He applied the law as a responsible person at the Comenius University, he also served as the chairman of the DPO club at universities, which he co-founded. He led the team for solving security incidents and ensured the cyber security of several projects.
  • DISSCUSION "How Are We Building a Digital State?"
  • DISCUSSION "Cloud period"
  • DISCUSSION on "Government Cloud at the Crossroads"
    The state has been building the government cloud for years. Tens of millions of euros have already been reinvested, and we have basically managed to create a virtualized infrastructure. They are currently approved and are planning the so-called community clouds for more than 150 million euros. Will this investment move state services at least a millimeter? AWS deploys continuously every few milliseconds, is it possible to compete with that pace? How do they build cloud services in banks, for example? And what is MIRDI's strategy in building cloud services?

    Peter Lukáč, NCZI
    Igor Sibert, Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic
    Vladimír Bednár, MF SR 
    Tomáš Mydliar, Dell Technologies 
    Hrvoje Buntak, Apis IT
    Pavol Lukáčik, RED HAT 
    Ladislav Kovár, MIRDI 

  • DISCUSSION "Authentication in the Digital State"
    The bottleneck of modern state services is authentication and authorization. It is not possible to radically increase the number of users of eGov services. Isn't authentication and authorization too rigid? It cannot be made more userfriendly?

    Ladislav Kovár, MIRDI
    Ján Bučkuliak, Government Office of the Slovak Republic
    Pavol Frič, DITEC 
    Radovan Ako, CRIF
    Patrik Plachý, RED HAT 
    Ľubor Illek, Slovensko.Digital 

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