Lenka Capoušková
Ing. Lenka Capoušková, LLM
She deals with PKI technology and certification authorities for many years, first as Project Manager of Certification Authority I.CA in PVT Inc. After foundation of the První certifikační autorita, Inc., she worked as its director until 2004. At the same time she held the post of Chairman of the Board this company. Now she is working for the company in the position of sales director for international trade. Since the founding of partner company D. Trust Certifikačná autorita, Inc. in 2002, which providing certification services in the Slovak Republic, holds the position of Chairman of the Board.
She deals with PKI technology and certification authorities for many years, first as Project Manager of Certification Authority I.CA in PVT Inc. After foundation of the První certifikační autorita, Inc., she worked as its director until 2004. At the same time she held the post of Chairman of the Board this company. Now she is working for the company in the position of sales director for international trade. Since the founding of partner company D. Trust Certifikačná autorita, Inc. in 2002, which providing certification services in the Slovak Republic, holds the position of Chairman of the Board.
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New products and services of První certifikační autorita, Inc in accordance with the eIDAS rules
První certifikační autorita, Inc. (I.CA) as accredited provider of certification services pursuant to Act no. 215/2002 Z.z. is became a qualified trust service provider in accordance with the regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market 910/2014 (eIDAS) from 1.7.2016.
In connection with this change I.CA implemented a number of technical measures to ensure compliance of provided services to European standards, which are primarily regulate issuing of qualified certificates for electronic signature and electronic seal and issuing of qualified electronic time stamps.
At the same time is I.CA also focused on development of new products and services that Regulation eIDAS brings. In particular, the client applications and technological components for creating of electronic signatures in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1506 CadES, PAdES and XAdES.
Furthermore is I.CA focused on implementation of online services for validation of the electronic signature of documents and data.