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Ľubor Illek

Slovensko.Digital, founder

Ľubor Illek is the founder of the civic association, where he also works. He has been involved in eGovernment area, primarily in data management, electronic signature, copyright, security, eGovernment projects evaluation. Since 2003 he has been a member of the Slovak Informatics Society. In 2009, he was one of the founding members of the Open Information Technology Society, in which he pursued the idea of openness in public policy making, especially in OpenData, open standards and the use of free software. He studied informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University. He has been active in Gordias company where he focuses on information security. Since 2009, he has been teaching social aspects of information technology at FMFI UK externally.

  • Another reboot, or are we used to the agony?
  • Countdown of the Successes and Failures of Digitization
  • DISCUSSION "Life Situations 3.0"
    The end of the era of traditional bureaucracy? Mária Terézia left us a surprisingly advanced administration for its time. Only now, after more than 250 years, is there a serious effort to change that will end an era of building a functional state. The change, when from the point of view of citizens, the borders between authorities are erased and a specific life situation is solved. Will this attempt succeed? Will it be possible to overcome departmentalism, the strict division of competences in favor of cooperation?

    Ján Hargaš, MIRDI 
    Juraj Káčer, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SR 
    Ľubor Illek, Slovensko.Digital 
    Pavol Frič, ITAS

  • DISCUSSION "Authentication in the Digital State"
    The bottleneck of modern state services is authentication and authorization. It is not possible to radically increase the number of users of eGov services. Isn't authentication and authorization too rigid? It cannot be made more userfriendly?

    Ladislav Kovár, MIRDI
    Ján Bučkuliak, Government Office of the Slovak Republic
    Pavol Frič, DITEC 
    Radovan Ako, CRIF
    Patrik Plachý, RED HAT 
    Ľubor Illek, Slovensko.Digital 

  • Revision of eGov principles
    Unconventionally optimistic presentation as some things work quite well and how to re-set the principles of eGov to support it.
  • DISCUSSION on life situations 2.0 topic
  • What revolution?
    I often hear how "revolution is needed" for substantial progress in eGov. Will be? Is there such a chance at all? If so, then in what?
  • An evening in eGov utopia
    It is about 10 years since the contours of this generation of eGovernment were determined. Quite a clear vision, corresponding to that time. Are we already there or is something significant missing? This time with an emphasis on the view from the small office.
  • What works and what doesn't
    The change of government was (again) associated with great expectations of "improvement" - in virtually all areas of public administration informatization. After more than half a year of activity, let's see where it looks more for changes for the better ... and where less.
  • Discussion
  • Will It Work this Time?
    The third lesson from the crisis. Where has eGovernment got stuck this time and what is the chance that something will change (for the better).
  • Our eGovernment is not flourishing
    How the original plans have turned out. Lessons learned from the period from 2016 until 2019. What to do and not to do. Plase those services do better now!
  • The half-time of Slovak eGovernment disintegration?
  • DISCUSSION: Round table
  • Gloss and misconception of data management
    "One time and enough", MyData, OpenData ... - the domain of data management is one of the highest priorities of the public administration informatization and should be done in such a way that its benefits should be directly visible to the citizen. Let us recall what is planned in these topics, what is the current status and what is going to happen in the near future.
  • DISCUSSION: Round table
    Let’s move to the 2020. How will Slovak eGovernment look like? Will the public administration be re -reformed? Will we achieve the set priorities? Will the Slovak regions and cities already implement smart solutions? And will the solutions be safe?
  • Discussion round table: Slovakia 2020
    Stakeholders discussion on digital development trends in the country and position of Slovakia during the EU Presidency, regarding the main digital EU initiatives; goals in digitalization towards 2020

    Invited guests:

    Pavel Bojňanský
    Emil Fitoš (ATOS)
    Milan Ftáčnik (Slovenská informatická spoločnosť)
    Ľubor Illek (Slovensko.Digital)
    Milan Ištván (Partnerships for Prosperity)
    Rastislav Janota (NASES)
    Štefan Kišš (Institute for Financial Policy)
    Roman Konečný (National Security Authority)
    Peter Kostolný (Government Office of the SR)
    Mário Lelovský (ITAS)
    Miloš Molnár (ideata Europe)

  • eDemocracy project
    The objective of OPIS project eDemocracy and Open Government for OpenData is to develop a central infrastructure with services for data providers and users. For this public administration transformation activity we will provide broader context of legislation and challenges ahead of us. Solutions created in this project are prepared to ease data provider from the burden of data access tasks – format and structure transformations, internet publishing, accordance with standards, communication with users. We will illustrate the successful cooperation model on pilot project of enabling access to one reference registry in form of OpenData.
  • OPENDATA currently prepared standards for
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