Lukáš Lukáč
Lukáš Lukáč is a director of OPIS management in Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic. He worked in various positions connected with management of European Union funds, in the Office of Slovak Republic and in National Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises. He worked as a consultant for J&T Finance Group.
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Implementation of the PO7 OPII begins! What are the differences between the OPIS and OPII projects?
Implementation of priority axis 7 OP II is starting. OP II brings not only new topics that respond to IT trends but also changes in implementation of projects. The presentation will bring information on main changes compared to present program period. -
Development of information society in the new programming period
Priorities of informatization in the New programming period
Who will and who will not receive funds from European Union
Why not to miss the presentation?
The speaker will tell you who and how will receive a support from European Commission until 2020. How can we move forward information technologies in public administration when delivering meaningful projects?
Executive summary:
Development of information society is one of priorities of European Commission also for new program period 2014 – 2020. Presentation will focus on priority areas of European Commission and Slovak Republic. It will present a vision of e-Government development till 2020 with reference to proposed strategic objectives that in line with seven pillars of Digital Agenda for Europe. Investment priorities and specific objectives will be introduced together with present state and next steps in preparation of new program period.